Alexander Stewart is a rising pop musician whose sound is impossible to ignore. His hit song “Broken by You” has been acclaimed by The Rolling Stone, and it is definitely worth listening to. But that’s not all—Alexander Stewart recently released a promising debut album ‘bleeding heart‘. Each song on the album is filled with stories about his life over the last three years. Trust me, you won’t want to miss any of it!
And today, the Noize Team had the special opportunity to interview this outstanding young musician. Let’s learn more about Alexander Stewart and his work.

Photo credit: Melvin FAE GRP The Orchard
The Noize Magazine: For any readers who don’t know you just yet, can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your music style?
Alexander Stewart: I’m Alexander Stewart, an artist from Toronto Canada, and I make emotional music to try and help others feel a little less alone! May it be a fun pop song, or a heartbreaking ballad about struggles with mental health, my whole goal is to create a community based on love and acceptance and knowing you aren’t alone in whatever you are going through.
TNM: Your debut album ‘bleeding heart‘ is out now. Where did the inspiration come from and how long did it take to put this album together?
AS: This album is a combination of my last 3 years. For my debut album, I wanted it to be a true representation of the time that I spent putting it together. I wasn’t in a studio for 2 weeks writing this album. I was all over the world writing songs about really just growing up and what comes with that. Picking 12 songs to represent 3 years was nearly impossible, but I’m so proud of how it came out.
TNM: You wrote the songs on this album along with the other songwriters, which song/lyric is your favourite on this album and why?
AS: My favorite lyric would be in “reflection”. I wrote this song with Ricky Manning and Whakaio, the same people I wrote “blame’s on me” with. The line in reflection is “the parts I hate are all I see”. It’s a line I wrote when I really felt like I couldn’t find a single part of myself that I liked and it was one of the most painful experiences. I’m hoping my being honest about this can help others with their own journey in finding self love.
TNM: As a songwriter, how do you cope when you feel stuck?
AS: I stop writing until it feels natural again. Writing music shouldn’t feel forced, and if it does, you probably won’t get the result you are looking for.
TNM: What does MUSIC mean to you?
AS: Music is my life. It’s what I wake up for, and go to bed thinking about. Music truly saved my life and I can’t even fully put into words how much it means to me.
TNM: So far, what is the best advice you have received this year?
AS: That everyone is on their own timeline. It’s so easy to compare yourself to other people… I mean, we allllll do it! But it’s SO toxic. Comparison is the thief of joy. If you can take a step back, give yourself a pat on the back and congratulate yourself for everything that’s happened. Life will be so so colorful and you will start to feel more excited and grateful for everything going on, no matter what stage of life you’re in.
TNM: Are there any short-term goals that you want to achieve this year?
AS: There are SO many. But a big one is putting out more music. Although I just put out my debut album, I can’t wait to continue sharing my stories.
TNM: If you could choose one artist for your next collaboration, who would you choose?
AS: I would choose Sam Smith! Their debut album was SO meaningful to me that a collaboration with Sam would probably be the most full circle thing I could ever ask for.
TNM: You’re on the bleeding hearts tour of [North America] right now. Are there any best tour experiences or funny stories you’d like to share?
AS: This tour has been so fun and there are so many stories, but one that sticks out is when someone bought me a pair of Crocs! They had a sign in the audience and I thought they were kidding, until I saw someone in the crowd bringing me this pair of shoes to stage! It was so sweet.
TNM: Any plans to come to Thailand for the concert in the near future?
AS: Absolutely!!! We are working on dates as we speak. I’ve never been and I’m absolutely itching to come play for you!!!
TNM: Do you have anything to say with Thai fans? And what do you expect to see, try, eat when you visit Thailand?
AS: First off I have to say, THANK YOU FOR ALL THE SUPPORT!!! I’m dying to come visit. I’ve always wanted to go. I couldn’t be more excited to experience the beautiful culture and meet my fans.
Stream Alexander Stewart’s here:
Thank you, Canglo for this special opportunity.